Assam SLET Paper 1 Solved 2012 | SLET NE Paper 1 Solved 2012

Assam SLET Paper 1 Solved 2012

SLET NE Paper 1 Solved 2012

[Time: 1.15 hour; Maximum Marks: 100]

Note: There are Sixty (60) questions, out of which you are to answer fifty (50) questions only. If you answer more than fifty (50) questions, then only the first fifty (50) questions attempted will be evaluated. The questions carry two (2) marks each.

In this post you will get Assam SLET Paper 1 Solved 2012 with Proper Explanation. SLET NE Commerce Solved Paper (2012 to 2022) is also available on our website.

Assam SLET Exam is conducted every year by SLET Commission NE Region. Question Papers of Assam SLET Exam is tough as compared to UGC NET Exam question paper. Syllabus of Assam SLET (SLET NE) Exam and UGC NET exam is similar. You can refer Assam SLET Paper 1 syllabus for 2023 here.

assam slet paper 1 solved 2012

Assam SLET Paper 1 Solved 2012

1. The following are some necessary qualities for a teacher.

I. Clarity of concepts.

II. Good black board work.

III. Ability to communicate.

IV. Ability to relate concepts to real life situations.

Which of the following do you think is most important for a teacher of science and mathematics?

A) I and II.

B) I and III.

C) III and IV.

D) II and IV.

Ans: B) I and III. [Read Google Book for Paper 1]

2. For a teacher some research experience is useful because

A) It raises the teaching standard of teachers.

B) It makes the teachers intelligent.

C) It makes the teachers better teachers.

D) It enables the teachers to make good professional decisions.

Ans: D) It enables the teachers to make good professional decisions.

3. Ancient Indian teachers applied some psychological principles in educating the young child from pre-school age to adolescence. They recognized the role of

A) Convent system schooling.

B) Sense and perceptions in learning and teaching.

C) Gurukul type of schooling.

D) None of the above.

Ans: B) Sense and perceptions in learning and teaching.

4. Which of the following is more appropriate for a successful teacher?

A) Talk in the class all the time.

B) Mostly listen to what the students have to say.

C) Talk and convince students to accept teacher’s point of view.

D) Develop a theme with active student involvement.

Ans: D) Develop a theme with active student involvement.

5. Below are given some essentials of teaching competencies

(i) assisting in the conduct of co-curricular activities.

(ii) motivating students for learning.

(iii) improving classroom management.

(iv) knowing subject matter thoroughly.

(v) taking interest in college administration.

Which one of the following combinations is most appropriate for class-room teaching?

A) (i) (ii) (iii) and (iv).

B) (i) (ii) (iii) and (v).

C) (i) (iii) (iv) and (v).

D) (ii) (iii) (iv) and (v).

Ans: A) (i) (ii) (iii) and (iv).

Also Read: Assam SLET (SLETNE) Solved Question Papers – General Paper Solutions (2012 to 2023)

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Assam SLET Paper 1 Solved 2023

6. The tests on the basis of which a teacher takes decisions are called

A) instructional procedures.

B) instructional objectives.

C) performance assessment.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) performance assessment.

7. A competent teacher must have sound knowledge about the following four things. Arrange them according to proper order:

A) practice, concepts, theory and research.

B) theory, research, practice and concepts.

C) concepts, theory, practice and research.

D) research, practice, concepts and theory.

Ans: C) concepts, theory, practice and research.

8. The process not needed in experimental research is

A) controlling.

B) observation.

C) manipulation.

D) reference collection.

Ans: D) reference collection.

[Hint: The Process of Experimental research inlcludes:

Formulating reseach hypothesis – designing the experiment – selection of participants and assigning them into groups – measuing the dependent variable – manipulating the independent variables – analysis of data – controlling.]

9. The depth of research can be judged by

A) title of the research.

B) objectives of research.

C) total expenditure.

D) duration of research.

Ans: B) objectives of research.

10. Field Study is related to

A) real life situations.

B) experimental situations.

C) laboratory situations.

D) none of the above.

Ans: A) real life situations.

11. Validity of a research can be improved by

A) eliminating extraneous factors.

B) taking the true representative sample of the population.

C) both of the above measures.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) both of the above measures.

12. A statistical measures based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as

A) sample parameter.

B) inference.

C) statistic.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) statistic.

Read the following passage and answer the question Nos. 13 to 17:

The first Governor General, Warren Hastings, returned early to his residence at No. 7 Hastings Street. He sat down at his large Secretariat Table, his slight frame bent in thought. He was in a pensive mood and was perhaps recollecting his difficult orphaned childhood and his happier school days at Westminster School where he made the acquaintance, amongst other contemporaries, of Sir Elijah Impey, the future Chief Justice of Bengal.

On this particular hot and humid night, he recalled the emotions which he felt on a cold January morning, thirty years ago, when at the age of eighteen, as a “Writer of the East India Company”, he stood on the deck of the Indiaman, and watched the shores of England recede.

Nine and a half months later, he set foot on the banks of the Hooghly at the Kalpi anchorage, some fifty miles downstream from the British settlement of Calcutta, then barely fifty years old. He had come a long way since them. He took up his quill and in the flickering lamplight began to write his last will and testament.

He put it away carefully in his campaign chest. He then composed a letter to his wife, his dearest Marian, the former Baroness Von Imhoff whom he had purposely left in Chinsura under the care of his good friend, the Hon. Johannes Mathias Ross, the head of the Dutch factory there. The letter was to be handed to her the next morning in the event of his death.  

13. Warren Hastings was

A) a clerk of the East India Company.

B) a playwright of the East India Company.

C) an author.

D) a journalist.

Ans: A) a clerk of the East India Company.

14. Warren Hastings came to India by a ship named

A) Chinsura.

B) Indiaman.

C) England.

D) Kalpi.

Ans: B) Indiaman.

15. Warren Hastings landed at

A) Chinsura.

B) Calcutta.

C) Kalpi.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) Kalpi.

16. “He had come a long way since them.” Means

A) He had walked a long way.

B) He had travelled a lot.

C) A long time had passed since then.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) A long time had passed since then.

17. “pensive” means

A) sorrowfully thoughtful.

B) nostalgic.

C) timid.

D) pessimistic.

Ans: A) sorrowfully thoughtful.

18. Dyadic communication is the transfer of message from a person

A) to another person and vice versa.

B) to a group of persons.

C) to a mass audience.

D) none of these.

Ans: A) to another person and vice versa.

19. Which one of the following is not a traditional medium of communication?

A) literature.

B) painting.

C) television.

D) music.

Ans: C) television.

20. Which one of the following is not a successful communicator?

A) one who presents material in a precise and clean way.

B) one who is able to adopt himself according to the language of the communicate.

C) one who knows a log but is somewhat reserve in his attitude.

D) one who sometimes because informal before the receiver and develops rapport.

Ans: C) one who knows a log but is somewhat reserve in his attitude.

21. Microphone is a hi-fi instrument. Hi-fi means

A) high fidelity.

B) high final.

C) high finical.

D) high finicky.

Ans: A) high fidelity.

22. Effective communication does not require

A) voice modulation.

B) appropriate gestures.

C) students’ involvement.

D) handsome appearance.

Ans: D) handsome appearance.

23. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct alternative given below: Communication of any sort is a ____ process.

A) to and fro.

B) up-down.

C) forward-backward.

D) two way.

Ans: D) two way.

24. Find the number that should come next in the incomplete sequence given below: 3,   12,  39,  120,  ?

A) 243.

B) 363.

C) 483.

D) 503.

Ans: B) 363.

[Hint: 3*(3+1)= 12, 3*(12+1)=39, 3*(39+1)=120, 3*(120+1)=363]

25. Today is Monday. What will be the day after 291 days?

A) Tuesday.

B) Wednesday.

C) Thursday.

D) Friday.

Ans: D) Friday.

[Hint: Today is Monday. Every day repeats after 7 days, hence Monday will repeat after every 7 days.

To find the day after 261 days, we have to divide 291 by 7.

291 days ÷ 7 = 41 weeks 4 odd days. So, the 4th day after Monday is Friday. ]

26. Monday is to April as Friday is to [        ]. The appropriate word in the box is

A) May.

B) June.

C) July.

D) August.

Ans: D) August.

[Hint: Friday is 4th day after monday. Similary august is the 4th month after april.]

27. Find the term which would replace the question mark. TYU, NSO, HMI, ?





Ans: C) BGC.


1st – T = 20th Letter; Y = 25th Letter; U = 21th Letter.

2nd – N = 14th Letter; S = 19th Letter; O = 15th Letter.

3rd – H = 8th Letter; M = 13th Letter; I = 9th Letter.

Sequence – First Letter +5 in Second letter – 4 in third letter.

First letter reduces by 6. Hence BGC will be the correct answer.]

28. If 27 x 15 = 15,    38 x 29 = 22,    98 x 57 = 29. What is    49 x 19 = ?

A) 23.

B) 29.

C) 35.

D) 36.

Ans: A) 23.

[Hint: 2+7+1+5=15, 3+8+2+9=22, 9+8+5+7=29, 4+9+1+9=23]

29. Find the number that should come next in the sequence given below: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ?

A) 15.

B) 17.

C) 19.

D) 21.

Ans: D) 21.

Read the given information and answer the two questions (30 and 31) based on it:

I. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting on a bench facing east.

II. C is at the immediate right of D.

III. B is at the extreme end and has E as his neighbour.

IV. G is between E and F.

V. D is sitting third from the south end.

30. Who is sitting to the immediate right of C?

A) A.

B) D.

C) F.

D) none of these.

Ans: A) A.

31. The person sitting at the fourth position from the north end is

A) A.

B) C.

C) F.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) F.

32. A statement given below is followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: A lie, which by its delivery, blocks the emotional distress of the recipient, is justified.


I. It is possible that one can alleviate another’s stress by lying about the truth.

II. One of the ways to always justify a lie is to view it as bringing relief to a disturbed person.

A) Assumption I is implicit, II is not implicit.

B) Assumption II is implicit, I is not implicit.

C) Neither I nor II is implicit.

D) Both I and II are implicit.

Ans: A) Assumption I is implicit, II is not implicit.

33. The following question is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You are required to decide which one is strong and which one is weak using code.

Question: Should luxury hotels be banned in India?


I. Yes. They are places from where international criminals operate.

II. No. Affluent foreign tourists will not have a place to stay.


A) Only argument I is strong.

B) Only argument II is strong.

C) Neither argument I nor II is strong.

D) Both argument I and II are strong.

Ans: B) Only argument II is strong.

34. There are two statements given below followed by four conclusions numbered. I, II, III and IV. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts.

Statements: Some pencils are papers. Some papers are boxes.


I. Some pencils are boxes.

II. Some boxes are pencils.

III. Some boxes are papers.

IV. Some papers are pencils.

Decide from the codes below which of the above conclusions logically follow / followed from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.


A) Only I and II follow.

B) Only III and IV follow.

C) All follow.

D) None follows.

Ans: B) Only III and IV follow.

35. In a certain neighbourhood

I. No resident is educated.

II. Some residents are educated.

III. Some residents are not educated.

IV. All residents are educated.

Of the four statements shown above, there are two statements both of which cannot be true but both can be false. Which are these two statements?

A) I and II.

B) III and IV.

C) I and IV.

D) II and III.

Ans: C) I and IV.

The distribution of population of seven states A, B, C, D, E, F, G is given below:

Male Population

Total Male Population = 50 lakh

State wise Distribution















Female Population

Total Female Population = 45 lakh

State wise Distribution















Read the above distribution and answer the following questions (from 36 to 40)

36. Total population of the state A in lakh is

A) 25.

B) 23.75.

C) 11.85.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) 11.85.

37. Ratio between male population of C and female population of B is

A) 1 : 1.

B) 10 : 9.

C) 9 : 100.

D) none of these.

Ans: B) 10 : 9.

38. Ratio between the total population of D and F is

A) 1 : 1.

B) 10 : 9.

C) 115 : 12.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) 115 : 12.

39. A) Male population of E = Female population of E.

B) E has 5 lakh more male population than female population.

C) E has 90 thousand more male population than female population.

D) none of these.

Ans: C) E has 90 thousand more male population than female population.

40. Average population of the seven states is

A) 45/7.

B) 50/7.

C) 95/7.

D) 200/7.

Ans: C) 95/7.

41. Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

A) telephone lines.

B) coaxial cable.


D) microwave system.

Ans: C) MODEM.

42. Which of the following is a unit of measurement used with computer system?

A) byte.

B) megabyte.

C) gigabyte.

D) all of the above.

Ans: D) all of the above.

43. Which kind of storage device can be carried around?

A) monitor.

B) system cabinet.

C) diskette.

D) main memory.

Ans: C) diskette.

44. Which of the following is not a form of ‘information’?

A) Directives.

B) Reports.

C) Transactions.

D) Product names.

Ans: D) Product names.

45. Give the expanded form of CAD choosing one from the following:

A) Computer Assisted Design.

B) Computer Art Design.

C) Computer Aided Design.

D) Computer Android Design.

Ans: C) Computer Aided Design.

46. Who is called the “grandfather” of the Computer?

A) Blaire Pascal.

B) Charles Babbage.

C) Joseph Jacquard.

D) Dr. Herman Hollerith.

Ans: B) Charles Babbage.

[Charles Babbage, who was born in 1791, is regarded as the father and grand father of computing because of his research into machines that could calculate.

Ada Lovelace was known as the Mother Of Computer.

Rangaswamy Narasimhanw regarded by many as the father of computer science research in India.]

47. People of Bishnoi community lose their lives while protecting

A) teak tree.

B) pine tree.

C) sal tree.

D) Khejri tree.

Ans: D) Khejri tree.

48. Who is known as the architect of Green Revolution in India?

A) Sunderlal Bahuguna.

B) Medha Patkar.

C) Professor M.S. Swaminathan.

D) Professor P.C. Mahalanobis.

Ans: C) Professor M.S. Swaminathan.

49. Which of the following are alternate source of energy?

A) fossil fuels.

B) wind.

C) solar energy.

D) both B) and C).

Ans: D) both B) and C).

50. Lead is considered mainly

A) air pollutant.

B) water pollutant.

C) land pollutant.

D) radioactive pollutant.

Ans: A) air pollutant.

51. All electrical appliances use energy which is measured in terms of Watts. In the following table match the electrical appliances with the appropriate Watts that they use.



(a) Computer.

(b) Fluorescent light.

(c) Refrigerator.

(d) Colour TV.

I. 6.

II. 60.

III. 100.

IV. 250.

V. 400.

VI. 1000.

VII. 2000.

Choose the correct match from the following codes:

A) (a)-V, (b)-II, (c)-VI, (d)-VII.

B) (a)-VI, (b)-IV, (c)-VII, (d)-V.

C) (a)-VI, (b)-I, (c)-V, (d)-III.

D) (a)-V, (b)-II, (c)-VI, (d)-IV.

Ans: D) (a)-V, (b)-II, (c)-VI, (d)-IV.

52. Exploitation of minerals can cause environmental pollution. Choose from the codes given below which statements are true and which are false

(a) Natural-gas used in the manufacture of fertilizers.

(b) Coal-fields in the Makum Belt.

(c) China-clay in the production of ceramics.

(d) Granitic minerals extracted in Kokrajhar and other places.

Codes   Observations

A) (a)-True, (b)-False, (c)-False, (d)-True.

B) (a)-False, (b)-True, (c)-True, (d)-True.

C) (a)-True, (b)-True, (c)-False, (d)-False.

D) (a)-False, (b)-True, (c)-False, (d)-True.

Ans: C) (a)-True, (b)-True, (c)-False, (d)-False.

53. Which of the following is not a Central University?

A) Assam University.

B) Bombay University.

C) Hyderabad University.

D) Visva Bharati.

Ans: B) Bombay University.

54. Who is the Chancellor of Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University?

A) President of India.

B) Vice President of India.

C) Governor of Assam.

D) Chief Minister of Assam.

Ans: D) Chief Minister of Assam.

55. Match the following and select your answer from the codes given below:

List I

List II

(a) NCTE.

(b) NCERT.

(c) NBT.

(d) DIET.

1. Trust related to books.

2. Research in education.

3. Education for teachers.

4. Education and training in district institutes.

5. Distance education.

Codes   Observations

A) (a)-5, (b)-2, (c)-1, (d)-3.

B) (a)-3, (b)-1, (c)-2, (d)-4.

C) (a)-5, (b)-2, (c)-1, (d)-4.

D) (a)-3, (b)-2, (c)-1, (d)-4.

Ans: D) (a)-3, (b)-2, (c)-1, (d)-4.

56. The most important factor in teaching in higher education is to

A) supply the relevant information to studies.

B) prepare students for the various competitive examinations.

C) lead students to the sources of information.

D) develop a spirit of competition for higher achievement in students.

Ans: C) lead students to the sources of information.

57. Which one of the following is an important occupation of educated women?

A) teaching.

B) medicine.

C) nursing.

D) all of these.

Ans: D) all of these.

58. Identify the correct expanded from CPE

A) Colleges for Programme Excellence.

B) Colleges with Potential for Excellence.

C) Colleges for Physical Education.

D) Colleges with Potential for Expansion.

Ans: B) Colleges with Potential for Excellence.

59. An artificial ecosystem is

A) lake.

B) ocean.

C) aquarium.

D) forest.

Ans: C) aquarium.

60. Organisation involved in formulating programmes for protecting environment is





Ans: B) UNEP.

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